Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bandits Challenge

It's been quite a hectic past few weeks. Never really got to put up my Bandits report. Long story short, I came in second and had a strong race. I did not warm up for the swim (or anything for that matter), so it was a little slow going at first. I had a decent bike, but was feeling the fatigue from a week of intense heat and training. Came in off the bike in third and worked my way into second place after a mile or so. I felt strong on the run but was definitely holding back a bit so as to not relive my horrendous breakdown of three years ago.

All in all, a great training race. wish I could have taken first, but I think I was just a little to broken down to pull it out. I'll be racing Lake Norman tomorrow, in my fourth of five races in the NCTS. I am hoping for a solid result to help give me a boost in the overall standings. However, this will still pretty much just be a training race.