Well boys and girls, let me tell you what I've been up to. I've been done racing for the season for some time now. I finished up with the season with the Amica Tri series race in Phoenix, AZ back in November. It was a first year event that was putting up some decent money, so I figured I might as well go for it. It was also a great excuse to visit Holli in San Diego afterwards. The race eneded up going well. I finshed 6th overall which saw me going home with a decent little check. That check was quickly spent the following week on my little side trip. The week went by way to fast, and I quickly found myself back in wilmywood. But if the picture below is any indication, my journey left me with a comforting feeling of things to come.

So what have I been up to lately you might ask? Well, due to my deep hatred of laundry and my inability to properly fold a shirt, I'm finding new ways to put together an outfit that is suitable for public consumption. Also, I have let my facial hair roam free for the past month or so and you know what, it 'aint half bad looking. Now I know what your saying "damn Matt, you really let yourself go in the off season, huh". Not so. I will have you all know that I actually got my hair, yes my hair, cut not to long ago over Thanksgiving. "gee Matt, is that cuz your mommy made you go". Oh well you can just go to hell! I mean...she might have had some say in the matter.
In other news, I have also taken up the position of super stoker on a competitive tandem bar hopping team. For those of you not familiar with tandem riding, the stoker person on the back of the bike. So whats a super stoker you might ask? The super stoker is the person on the rear most position on a tandem kids trail-a-bike that is attached to a tandem bicycle.

That's all for now. Tune in next time when I will unveil my 2010 schedule as well as some other super special exciting stories from my off season adventures including the Worlds Greatest Talon.